Ice Cream Poem
Chef at my School
Nose Picker
Sid at Bat
Watch Your Step
Hand Soap poem
Trees Trees
Someone Stole the School Bus
Something Gross at the Grocery Store
Bert Bromis
Nat The Fat Bat
Snaggle Toothed Tiger
Mouse Poem
Birds Flap Flap
Rain Poem
Wally so What?
8 Days a Week
Fred Frog and Lou Lillypad
Mother Cooked My Footballs
Tick Tock
Life of a Fish
Are we there Yet?
Bicycle Poem
Feeding the Dog
The smile and the Frown
Special Place
New School
Opposite Poem-meop etisoppO
If Books Came in Flavors
The Dentist
The Doctor
The Not So Great Pumpkin