K-2nd Grade
This is a 4-chapter read-along VIDEO series on YouTube. It reviews basic addition and subtraction facts, double numbers, and ways to add to ten.
3rd-6th Grade
Short Stories
This 5-page math story tells of a very strange first day of school I had years ago. Each page challenges students to solve a multi-digit addition or subtraction word problem.
This 6-page math story tells of the day teachers from Saturn and Jupiter visited my classroom. Each page challenges students to solve a 2-STEP ADDITION or SUBTRACTION word problem.
This 4-page math story tells of the day a Snack-Witch visited my classroom. Each page challenges students to solve a MULTI-DIGIT SUBTRACTION word problem with REGROUPING.
This 5-page math story tells of the day and night we had a class sleepover with a ghost! A great one for Halloween! It challenges students to solve MULTI-DIGIT ADDITION and SUBTRACTION problems.
This 9-page math story tells of the day we found a ‘wishing machine’ in the classroom. Each page challenges students to solve a MATH RIDDLE or NUMBER PATTERN.
This short tale (Tail?) has 4 pages that tell the story of the day Fluffie, our class pet got a little large! Each page challenges your students to solve a 1-DIGIT by 2-DIGIT MULTIPLICATION word problem.
This 4-page math story tells of the day my students became lasagna. Each page challenges students to solve a 2-DIGIT by 2-DIGIT MULTIPLICATION word problem.
This 6-page math story tells of the time we had to play aliens in basketball so we wouldn’t eat zucchini for every meal for th rest of our lives! Each page challenges students to solve a MULTI-DIGIT MULTIPLICATION word problem.
This 4-page math story tells of the day an alien joined our morning meeting. Each page challenges students to solve a DIVISION PROBLEMS with SINGLE-DIGIT DIVISORS.
This 4-page math story tells of the day Ms. Wigglefrog drank from the wrong water bottle (with severe consequences!) It challenges students to solve DIVISION PROBLEMS with SINGLE and 2-DIGIT DIVISORS.
This 4-page math story tells of the day an alien from the Planet Recess visited our class. It encourages students to solve tricky FRACTION WORD PROBLEMS.
This 5-page math story tells of the very strange day my students were suddenly sporting mustaches. FRACTION WORD PROBLEMS with ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION
This 5-page math story tells of the day my students became astronauts without their permission. It encourages students to solve WORD PROBLEMS that focus on PERCENTAGES.
This 4-page math story tells of the day strange things happened when we had a guest science teacher visit our class! It encourages students to solve WORD PROBLEMS that focus on PERCENTAGES.
This 5-page math story tells of the day my students and I met the little people who live in the ceiling of the classroom. It encourages students to solve word problems using concepts with MONEY.
These are a series of short rhyming stories that are appropriate for 3rd-5th grade. Each interactive story takes a humorous approach to one of the MULTIPLICATION TABLES!
The math in these humorous rhyming stories is appropriate for 1st-3rd grade.They review the addition of double numbers, adding 10’s on and off decade, and odd and even numbers.
This story has 10 mini-chapters (one page each) which focus on DOUBLE-DIGIT MULTIPLICATION Of course, the math problems can be skipped and the silly Halloween story can be read on its own. Students should be able to work through this entire story and related math problems in about 45 minutes.
The math in this short Thanksgiving story is focused on number sense and double digit multiplication skills.
This story is appropriate for 4th-6th grade. It challenges students to put their FRACTION SKILLS to use. The questions focus on addition of fractions, reducing fractions, and finding equivalent fractions.
It is 17 short pages in length- students should be able to work through this math story in one or two class periods.
2nd-4th Grade
Chapter Book Stories!
This full-length chapter book is still under construction with the first 10 chapters currently online (new ones added when I get the chance!). The 2nd-3rd grade math in this zany adventure covers many concepts including multi-digit addition & subtraction, telling time, 2D & 3D shapes, and multiplication facts. Some based on Singapore math strategies.
This full-length math adventure book for 3rd-4th grade will take students through a variety of word problems ranging from simple multiplication facts, to large addition & subtraction problems.
I presently have 12 chapter online which is about half the entire book. (I will update new chapters when possible)