I gave my dog some peanut butter, Bread and blue grape juice, A garbage truck with junk inside, A toy that had no use… I heard that dogs eat anything, And I just had to see… He ate a shirt,
He ate my pants,
He almost ate up me! I put some books in front of dog, To see if he could read,
He ate those books, With a grin, He’s a special breed…
I put a pen in front of dog, To see if he could write,
He chewed and chewed that little pen, From morning to the night… Next day he scratched, And scratched, And scratched, Scratched too much for me, I got some new flea powder, To chase away the fleas… He ate the dry flea powder, He licked it nice and clean, Although his tongue got kind of white, No fleas are ever seen… I gave my dog some dog food,
He stared at me with fear, The food is sitting in his bowl,