My Dog Division

only eats quotients

Watch the Video here!

I knew it was really,
A silly decision,
To get a new dog,
And name him Division…
dog cartoon
Division ain’t average,
Like other ole’ mutts,
He doesn’t eat food,
No ands, ifs, or buts…
He doesn’t eat food,
He never does chew,
He lives on his quotients,
They keep him full too…
The first day I gave him,
A 4-biscuit treat,
dog biscuit cartoon
dog biscuit cartoon
dog biscuit cartoon
dog biscuit cartoon

I came home that day,
He’d had nothing to eat!!
He’d divided his treats,
Into 2 equal parts..
2 treats in each pile,
dog biscuit cartoon
dog biscuit cartoon
My dog had math smarts!!
The next day, I placed out,
More and more biscuit,
9 treats in his bowl,
dog biscuitdog biscuitdog biscuitdog biscuitdog biscuitdog biscuitdog biscuitdog biscuitdog biscuit
A lot, but I’d risk it…
But when I returned,
He’d eaten not one,
3 piles of 3,
dog biscuit cartoondog biscuit cartoondog biscuit cartoon
dog biscuit cartoondog biscuit cartoondog biscuit cartoon
dog biscuit cartoondog biscuit cartoondog biscuit cartoon
Division was fun!!!
I shouted and shouted,
Division…go eat!!!
I screamed,
And yelled,
I would not take defeat!
I put 36 pieces,
Of savory steak,
By his dog bowl,
And left him a cake…
cake chocolate birthday cake

But when I returned,
Had he eaten the beef?
steak 36 pieces
6 piles of 6…
How would his teeth grow?
The cake was all gone,
And that’s the sweet-truth,
I think, Division,
Has a sweet-tooth…
Division, I said,
What are we gonna do?
If you keep finding quotients,
There won’t be a you!!!
We must travel down,
Some other pet-path,
Now Division is learning,
Some new types of math!!!


Can you think of other ways dog Division could have arranged the 36 pieces of steak in to equal piles?
What do you think dog Division would have done with a pile of 13 dog treats?
If dog Division had made 8 piles of treats with 7 treats in each pile, how many treats did Division start with?



Mr. R.'s Shapes Song (audio version)
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