Big Problem #1
Ricardo and Eliza were walking back from art class when they saw a strange box in the hallway of their school.
“What’s that box doing there?” asked Ricardo.
“I don’t know, it looks weird,” said Eliza.
“Do you think we should open it?” asked Ricardo.
“Of course,” said Eliza, “we HAVE to see what’s inside it, don’t we?”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” said Ricardo.
“Oh, just open it!” yelled Eliza, “Don’t be such a scaredy pairdy antsy pants about everything!”
“But Mr. R. told us we should never open strange boxes we find in the hallway of school, especially after 2PM, and it’s 2:05PM,” said Ricardo.
“Why do you always have to listen to Mr. R.?” complained Eliza, “First of all, it’s only 5 minutes after 2PM, so it’s really like before 2PM. Also, Mr. R. is only our teacher until summer vacation, so who cares what he says! Now use your own ideas and open the box! I NEED to know what’s inside of it!”
Ricardo shrugged and opened the box. Right after he opened it, they both realized opening the box had been a bad idea. A very bad idea! Why was it a bad idea? Because inside the box, they saw 152 very strange red animals, and 237 even stranger purple animals!
How many animals had Ricardo and Eliza seen in total?
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