Thermometer-Temperature Song (Celsius)

Our thermometer is broken,
It isn’t good at all,
Says its hot when it’s was cold,
Like summer in the fall!
The thermometer is broken,
And this is really bad,
Says it’s cold, when it’s hot
It makes me really sad..

Our thermometer was broken,
Said 36 degrees,
I went out to do some swimming,
To cool off in the breeze,
Outside, the  pool was frozen,
in a sheet of shiny ice,
My toes were really freezing,
No, It didn’t feel that nice!!
Our thermometer is broken
And I wasn’t looking cute,
Trying to do ice skating moves,
In my bathing suit!

Our thermometer was broken,
Said -2 degrees
Went out to do some sledding
In the winter’s freeze!
But when I got outside,
I couldn’t understand!
My friends were at the beach,
Playing in the sand!
Our thermometer is broken
And now I’m full of dread,
It’s not easy surfing waves,
with a winter sled!

Thermometer, thermometer,
Tell us hot vs cold,
Thermometers check temperature!
They’re worth more than gold

Thermometer, thermometer,
Tell us hot vs cold,
Thermometers check temperature!
They’re worth more than gold

Our thermometer was broken,
And this is really bad
I thought that it was summer break ,
And now i’m really sad,
Instead of summer fun,
Like Swimming in the pool
I have to get up early,
And take the bus to school!

Our thermometer is broken,
It isn’t good at all,
Says its hot when it’s was cold,
Like summer in the fall!
But now we have a new one,
It came last night at 8,
It tells the temperature
I’m feeling really great!

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