I think I’ll ask my uncle Floyd,
About this shape called trapezoid,
He’s the one that’s good at shapes,
Like purple circles, oval grapes…
A squished up square shape,
A name that leaves my brain annoyed!!!
Why can’t I learn this red shape’s name?
It was Monday’s math class aim!
I can’t remember trapezoid,
It leaves my brain in such a void…
Can you wear it like a cap?
Can it catch things like a trap?
Flip it over- makes a boat,
In the water it might float!
Trapezoid, A shape unique!
A definition’s what I seek!
So what’s this shape called trapezoid?
Here are words from Uncle Floyd…
Floyd the master of most math,
Pointed out the perfect path,
To names of shapes,
And guess what Floyd then said to me,
“Trapezoid, listen well,
Has 2 straight sides, parallel…”
That was it!
That was all!
8 short words,
Floyd had gall!
I couldn’t help but feel annoyed,
By quadrilateral,Trapezoid…