Reindeer Named Remainder

my reindeer loved her math!

A reindeer named Remainder,
Followed me one day,
I showed her to my mom,
Let’s adopt it right away!
My reindeer named Remainder,
She was great at math,
Addition straight through algebra,
To graphing on a graph…
But when she tried division,
Things would go astray,
She made a bad decision,
Is what I have to say,
Divide 16 by 4,
A challenge I did give her,
Something happened in her mind,
She began to shake and quiver,
She said the quotient’s 4,
With remainder that is 1,
I told her, “No remainder,
Say 4, and then you’re done!”
Remainder couldn’t get it,
It wasn’t her best skill,
Do you think she’ll ever get it?
I’m so sure she surely will!
But right now division tricks her,
Takes her mind straight out to sea,
And she includes remainders,
Where remainders shouldn’t be…


If each of my feet grew 2 new toes, how many toes would I have in all?

If 3 of my 10 toes decided to go to the movies, how many toes would I still have on my feet?

How many toes would be on 3 feet? (each foot has 5 toes)




Mr. R.'s Shapes Song (audio version)
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