Division Pigeon

16 eggs on Meg's head

There was a young girl,
Whose first name was Meg,
Who had a pet-pigeon,
That perched on her head…
The pigeon, it nested,
Up in Meg’s hair,
And laid 16 eggs,
For which it would care…
16 chicken eggs (2 rows of 8)
The eggs were all oval,
The eggs were all warm,
But eggs in a girl’s hair,
Wasn’t the norm…
But Meg liked the eggs,
And loved her pet pigeon,
Kept them all there,
An easy decision!
One day her pet pigeon,
Felt sort of sick,
Couldn’t sit on her eggs,
Meg needed help quick!
So Meg called her mother,
And friends for support,
Pigeon-egg sitting,
Would be their new sport!
3 friends arrived,
With mother there too,
To help sit on eggs,
What should they do?
16 eggs,
4 people,
Ready to care,
For eggs that were sitting,
Up in Meg’s hair…
She asked her pet-pigeon,
‘Cause Meg’s math wasn’t fine,
For the number of eggs,
For each person to mind…
Should we add?
Or subtract?
Or should we divide?
Meg and her pigeon,
Couldn’t decide…
“Divide!” screamed Meg’s mother,
“Divide!” screamed Meg’s friends,
Meg handed the pigeon,
Some paper and pens…
So Meg started to work,
To solve the division,
Finally, she came,
To a proper decision…
It’s exactly 4 times,
I remove groups of 4,
Before there’s none left,
Before there’s no more…
So Mama got 4 eggs,

And 4 for each friend,
That’s 16 fine eggs to which they would tend…
But after all that,
The very next day,
This is what happened,
I just have to say,
Meg’s pigeon felt better,
She was over her bug,
She gave all 16 eggs,
A kiss and a hug…
She took back her eggs,
And got in her nest,
On top of Meg’s head,
Where life was still best…


If each of my feet grew 2 new toes, how many toes would I have in all?

If 3 of my 10 toes decided to go to the movies, how many toes would I still have on my feet?

How many toes would be on 3 feet? (each foot has 5 toes)




Mr. R.'s Shapes Song (audio version)
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