Numerators and Denominators

Say Numerator,
Starts with N-U,
For Never Under,
N-U for Never Under…
Starts with D now,
D for denominator,
D for down!

When it come to writing fractions right,
It’s Never Under,
That’s so right,
Numerator’s right on top!
It shows how many parts you have,
Pieces of the whole pizzazz…
Fraction writing just can’t stop!

It’s the 5 5/6,
It’s the 4 4/3,
It’s the 8 8/9,
Shows how many parts,
Of the fraction you have,
In every ol’ fraction you write…

Say Numerator,
Starts with N-U,
For never under,
N-U for Never Under…
Starts with D now,
D for denominator,
D for down!

Denominator starts with D,
Just like Down, as you can you see,
How many parts to make one whole…
Denominator always down,
The closest number to the ground,
Denominator starts with D….

It’s the 6 5/6,
It’s the 3 4/3,
It’s the 9 8/9,
The number of parts,
That there are in one whole.
In every ol’ fraction you write!

Say Numerator,
Starts with N-U,
For never under,
N-U for Never Under…
Starts with D now,
D for denominator,
D for down!

Numerator never under,
Numerator never under,
Numerator never under,
Numerator never under,
NU for Never Under…
D for denominator,
D for denominator,
D for denominator,
D for denominator,
D is also for Down…

Say Numerator,
Starts with N-U,
For never under,
N-U for Never Under…
Starts with D now,
D for denominator,
D for down!

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