Geometry, geometry,
Gives us all our shapes you see…
Circles, squares, prisms, spheres,
Shapes that look like rabbit ears…
Shapes of grapes, and apes, and apes,
Hiding out behind the drapes,
Time to make a great escape,
When shapes are forming into apes…
Geometry, geometry,
Gives us all our shapes you see,
Circles, squares, prisms, spheres,
Shapes that look like rabbit ears…
Shapes of scrapes,
Shapes of plates,
Naming, using,
All those shapes,
Circles, squares, polygons,
And all the shapes you’ve ever drawn…
Circles, squares, polygons,
All the shapes you’ve ever drawn,
Ovals, cubes, prisms, spheres,
Shapes that look like rabbits ears!
And octagon,
And pentagon,
All be gone!
Pyramids here,
Squares over there,
All the shapes that I can bear!
Geometry, geometry,
Gives us all our shapes you see…
Circles, squares, prisms, spheres,
Shapes that look like rabbit ears…
Angles, curves, diamonds, swerves,
Shapes I often do observe,
Make me dizzy,
Make me sigh,
Geometry’s one busy guy!!!
Circles squares prisms spheres
Shapes that look like rabbit’s ears
Hexagons, pentagons, polygons,
And octagons,
And septagons,
And nonagons,
All those gons,
Now they’re gone!
Rhombus, circle, trapezoid,
Shapes we use to fill a void,
Oval, cubes, and triangle,
Don’t forget the rectangle!
Spiral, angle, cone, star wedge,
Even shapes that have no edge!
Pyramid, Parallelogram
Geometry is who I am!