Mr. R.’s World of Math

Chapter 9.2

     Just when the students thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did! You must realize Norman was a pretty small fellow and the elevator ride was pretty bumpy. As a matter of fact it was so bumpy the students all held on to each other for safety. Too bad there was no way they were going to hold onto Norman with all those disgusting things in his stomach.
     Anyway, it just happened that on one of the bigger bumps the elevator made, Norman was thrown into the air. He twisted and turned as he traveled toward the top of the elevator, and he screamed and shouted as he flew out of a little vent on the elevator ceiling.
     The students heard Norman scream one more time and then he was gone…
“Now what are we going to do? cried David, “We don’t know how to drive this thing!

What do you think the students were going to do?

Find out in Chapter 10!!!!!!!!!!

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