Mr. R.’s World of Math

Chapter 4.4

     “Look what I see,” said Hannah. as she pointed to a bucket full of plastic money on Mr. R.’s desk, “It’s like the fake money Mr. R. uses for math lessons.”
     “Do you think we can fool the elevator operator with plastic money? The odds are pretty low,” noted Serena.
     “I guess that depends on who the elevator operator is,” said David.
fortune teller    “Should we take it?” asked Justin.
     “I don’t know,” said Hannah, “We already totally took his wallet, Mr. R. is going to get really mad, really.”
“He already is really mad!” said Greg, “He’s vaporizing the school! I don’t think he can get much madder than that!”Greg grabbed the bucket from Mr. R’s desk…

Do you think this was a good idea? Go to Chapter 4.5 to Find Out!

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