Mr. R.’s World of Math

Page 1: Giant Rabbit Multiplication Story!

So here’s a story you’re probably not going to believe, but it’s true. I promise you! At least I remember it happening…

school house

It was a long time ago when I was teaching in a school that was a bit strange, and a bit peculiar (but not nearly as peculiar as the school you’re in right now!) when something very odd happened to me.

As I remember, It was a cold, dark morning when I opened the door of my classroom and saw something I just couldn’t believe. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but then I realized they weren’t!

rabbit cartoonWhat was it that was so strange? you might ask. First of all, Fluffie, our pet rabbit, was not in his hutch anymore, but that wasn’t really strange because Fluffie often escaped his hutch overnight. What WAS very strange was that Fluffie the rabbit was as tall as me! His whiskers were the length of yardsticks, and his ears were as long as small trees, and they were brushing against the ceiling of the classroom!


If Fluffie’s whiskers were 36 inches each, how long would 6 of his whiskers be if they were lined up in one straight row?

Enter the number of inches here:

Your results

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